DH really wanted to see the world’s largest truck stop as part of our “world’s largest” finds. Somehow, COVID risk doesn’t exist for large venues that DH wants to see…

He thought the kids would enjoy the large souvenir shop. Let’s just say that largest doesn’t always mean best.

But, between lunch and shopping, we still spent about an hour and a half there. We took advantage of the restrooms but not the barber.

Afterwards, we went to the Devonian Fossil Gorge. One kid really enjoyed it; the other complained about the heat. Instead of melting like a marshmallow, tween was going to melt like the wicked witch. Or maybe that’s just what she sounded like. It was hot and humid. But we got to see a lot of very small fossils.

After being out in the heat, DH agreed that we could forego the future birthplace of James T. Kirk and get ice cream instead. We went to a local ice cream shop that made its own ice cream.

After ice cream, we headed to see a large frying pan. On the way, it POURED. As in, can’t see with the wipers going full speed. Cars started putting on their hazards because no one was going highway speed and then we passed lines of cars and big rigs parked on the side of the highway to wait out the storm. We plowed on (slowly) to make it to a large lightning rod. (Can it be a rod if it’s circular in shape?) Luckily, by the time we made it there, it was only drizzling. (Before the rain started up again.)

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