Today we started by eating breakfast and then stopping at a horse Nisan that was not open but we walked around and got to see a bunch of people practicing on their horses for a show or something.

We went to get lunch at a pizza and pasta place next and it was pretty good. We went to noas ark and it was clearly the Christian version of noas ark. The ark was very big though and even though there was a lot of christen theorys it was pretty cool.

After noas ark we had dinner at a thai restaurant and it was yummy. We saw a canal which we were going to paddle boat Dow it but it was too late because we had two more hours to the hotel but it looked nice and there was a big playground there. We are now headed to the hotel and are in Illinois. We went through a lot of states already.

After dinner we tried going to the bathroom and when I got there I was like “are these people trying to trap me?” Because there were 3 or 4 doors depending on how you interpret it to get into the bathroom.

on the bus to noas ark there was a guy wearing a shirt that said “Jesus is my hero”

when we were driving to the hotel there was a small line of light that was showing through the clouds and my dad and me were jokeing around about how it could be a ufo from an Alien.I (think we were joking)

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